Peter F. Donahue

Peter Donahue, PE

Principal Engineer Owner & Engineering Services

Peter Donahue’s more than 50 years of professional experience includes 33 years at WSP with critical management responsibilities on several major tunnel projects, including the multibillion-dollar Central Artery/Tunnel Project in Boston—one of the largest public works projects ever undertaken in the United States—and the Port of Miami Tunnel, Florida’s first major tunnel. His prior experience focused on municipal and site development engineering ranging from large projects in heavy industries, such as the pulp and paper and petrochemical industries, to projects involving residential subdivisions and urban renewal work in major cities. Mr. Donahue also served as project manager, principal civil engineer, and senior civil engineer for other consulting firms.


Educational Background

  • Masters of Business Administration, New Hampshire College, NH, 1987
  • B.S. Engineering, Roger Williams College, Bristol, RI, 1971

Registered Professional Engineer

Professional Engineer: FL, ME, MA, NH, VA

Selected Projects

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